Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members #prayer #Bibleverses #unsavedfamily #pray #Christianliving #Family

Do you detect it challenging knowing what to pray for when it comes to your spiritually lost relatives? Below are some Bible verses to pray for your unsaved family members!

Praying For Our Unsaved Family unit Members

Equally a Christian, it can exist so hard to lookout man our unsaved family members walk a life apart from God.

We grieve that they accept not all the same seen their need for a personal relationship with Jesus. Perhaps they even openly mock or deny fifty-fifty the thought that God exists.

To watch unsaved family live without hope for eternal life with Christ is center-wrenching.

Many times, we effort to pray for our family unit members and merely find ourselves at a loss for what to pray. We dearest them. We intendance for them. Yet we don't know what to pray. Specially if we have been lifting them up in prayer for years, it tin seem like our prayers take grown stale or rote in nature.

That is why nosotros need help. The Holy Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words for us. (Romans 8:26) He can have our muddled prayers, our tired prayers, our silent heart cries and turn them into pleas before the throne of God.

If you are like me and struggle to notice the words or the focus needed to go on praying for a spiritually lost loved one, then please join me in praying specific Scripture for them.

Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members #prayer #Bibleverses #unsavedfamily #pray #Christianliving #Family

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Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members

Every bit you pray, insert your unsaved family unit member's proper noun into the blank. Call up, while these verses are a great place to start, y'all tin can always find more than verses to pray over each of your unsaved family members!

God's Word is powerful and provides us with many new ways to pray. Let these verses serve as spring board of discovery into the joy of praying Scripture.

John 14:6

Jesus answered,"I am the style and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Dear Lord, Please help ______ find that you really are the way, the truth, and the life. Aid her find Y'all as the path that she needs, Yous as the truth she craves to know, and You lot as her source of eternal life. Please help ____ see the beauty of a religion-filled human relationship with You lot. In Your Holy Proper noun, Amen.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.

Dear Heavenly Male parent, Thank yous that You provide light to our paths when we follow Your Discussion. Please open ____'south optics to the lite and truth that tin can simply be found in the Bible. Break down the barriers that deject him from agreement and accepting your Discussion as the light and truth he need in his life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-10

For it is by grace you take been saved, through organized religion—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— non past works, then that no one can boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in accelerate for the states to do.

Dear Jesus, Thank yous that Your grace is a souvenir from God. Please allow _______ to see her need for your gift of grace. Help her see she cannot save herself through any deportment of her own. Open her heart to empathise that salvation from sins comes only through faith in Your death and resurrection.

I know you take a plan for her life and that You have prepared skilful works for her to complete. Please make Your grace live to her and so that she can live the residual of her life in service and laurels to You. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Ezekiel eleven:19-twenty

"I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and requite them a heart of mankind. Then they volition follow My decrees and be careful to keep My laws. They will be My people, and I will be their God."

Dearest God, Delight give _____ an undivided eye for Y'all. Fill up ____ with a new spirit that can only be gained from knowing You fully and trusting Yous with his life. Place a new heart of flesh in him and remove all signs of his electric current heart of rock.

Every bit ____ is transformed from the old heart and spirit to the new, undivided centre and spirit, please show him the joy that comes from following Your decrees and laws out of honey for You. Please allow him become one of Your people and create the desire in his middle to call You his God. In Your Precious Name, Amen.

Acts 4:12

Conservancy is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to flesh by which we must be saved.

Dear Lord, Thank y'all for existence the merely manner for us to receive salvation from the punishment for our sins. Please open ____'s heart to see the truth that You are the only way of conservancy. Allow him to comprehend that the only way he will be saved for all eternity from the punishment for his sins volition be by trusting the proper noun and redeeming work of Jesus Christ. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Romans five:8

Just God demonstrates his own dear for the states in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Dear Lord, Give thanks y'all for demonstrating Your love for us, fifty-fifty when nosotros were still sinners. Please open ____'s eyes to come across your demonstrations of dearest all around her. Let her discover the joy that comes from knowing that Yous loved her fifty-fifty before she loved You. Allow her heart to accept that Christ died for her sins. Thanks for your amazing beloved! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Romans viii:38-39

For I am convinced that neither expiry nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the time to come, nor whatsoever powers, neither pinnacle nor depth, nor anything else in all cosmos, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Dear Jesus, Thank you lot that cipher tin can separate us from the love of God because of Your work on the Cross. Please convince _____'s center that neither death, life, angels, demons, nowadays, future, powers, top, or depth or anything else in all of creation tin can separate him from God's dear. Let this conviction humble him and cause him to see his demand for Your gift of eternal life. In Your Holy Proper noun, Amen.

Revelations 3:20

"Here I am! I stand up at the door and knock. If anyone hears My vocalization and opens the door, I will come up in and eat with that person, and they with Me."

Dear Jesus, Thank you lot for knocking at ______'s middle. Please help her to hear Your knock and open the door to respond to Your vocalism. Let her to let You enter into a human relationship with her. Please evidence her the joy that comes from knowing You lot personally and trusting You with her whole heart. I ask this in Your Holy Name, Amen.

Jeremiah 29:13

"You will seek Me and find Me when you lot seek Me with all your centre."

Dear God, Please cause _____ to seek Yous. Give her such a thirst and desire to know you lot that she tin can't ignore the telephone call to look for You lot. Show Yourself to _____ at every point of her search for Y'all as well. Permit her open her eye, listen and soul to have You when she does observe You. In Your Proper noun, Amen.

1 John one:9

If nosotros confess our sins, He is true-blue and only and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for existence faithful to forgive my sins and remove unrighteousness from my life. Please show ____ the need to confess and repent from the sins that keep him separated from You. Allow him discover the faithfulness that You demonstrate to forgive his sins and to purify him from his unrighteousness. Your grace and forgiveness truly is astonishing and I just enquire that _____ tin experience it as well. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer alive, but Christ lives in me. The life I at present alive in the body, I live by organized religion in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Dearest Lord, Cheers for dying for my sins and calling me to exist crucified with You so that I can also live eternally with You. Please let ____ see that she besides needs to be crucified with You and then that she tin live forever with Y'all. Allow her to live by faith in You lot, the Savior of her soul who loves her and gave Yourself for her. Communicate to her the eternal joy and peace that comes from dying to herself to live for Yous. In Your Holy Proper name, Amen.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come up: The erstwhile has gone, the new is here!

Dear Jesus, Thank y'all that you don't just remodel us when nosotros believe in You simply that yous make us a whole and new creation. Delight make _____ a new creation too. Show him that this old life can exist gone. Give him a vision for the new life that You offer to all who will accept. In Your Holy Proper noun, Amen.

i John 5:4

For everyone born of God overcomes the globe. This is the victory that has overcome the globe, even our organized religion.

Honey God, Cheers that You offer _____ the chance to be built-in again. Please show her that this is the way to victory over all the trials she has faced in this world. Open up her optics in faith to run across that You take overcome the world and then that she likewise can overcome sin, decease and the grave. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

John x:seven-9

Therefore Jesus said once again,"Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come up before Me are thieves and robbers, simply the sheep have non listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved."

Dear Jesus, Cheers for being the gate that leads to salvation. Delight show _____ that he is indeed the lost sheep in need of the door You provide. Open his ears to hear Y'all calling to him. Help ____ to listen for Your however small vocalisation as his Shepherd. Permit him accept his need to enter through You lot to be saved. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members #prayer #Bibleverses #unsavedfamily #pray #Christianliving #Family

Other Resources

Prayer is a powerful weapon. If yous are looking for more resources to help build your prayer life, peculiarly as yous prayer for your unsaved family members, then I would highly recommend the books listed below!

Wrestling Prayer

The Power of a Praying® Adult female

The Armor of God – Leader Kit

Your Plow

My hope and prayer is that you have found these examples of praying Scriptures for your unsaved family truly helpful.

Have you e'er prayed Scripture over unsaved family or friends in the by?

If you have, what were some Bible verses that you take prayed? Be certain to share in the comments below! 🙂

Cheers for stopping by!

Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members #prayer #Bibleverses #unsavedfamily #pray #Christianliving #Family

Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members #prayer #Bibleverses #unsavedfamily #pray #Christianliving #Family